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Random House

Cows in Action B (13 Books)

Cows in Action B (13 Books)

ISBN/Barcode: 8800113
定價 HK$772.20
定價 HK$1,544.40 售價 HK$772.20
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They travel through time, fighting evil bulls from the future and keeping history on the right track.

The super-cow agents chase two ter-moo-nators to America in 1969 - and find the Apollo space programme is in bullish bother. must go where no cow has gone beef-ore - to the moon, where a showdown with sinister space-cattle awaits .

Titles in this collection : 

The Ter- Moo- Nators

The Moo- My's Course

The Roman Moo- Stery

The Wild West Moo-Nster

World War Moo

The Battle For Christmoos

The Vdderly Moovellous Joke Book

The Pirate Moo-Tiny

The Moo-Gic Of Merlin

The Moo-Lympic Games

The Viking Emoo-Gency

The Victorian Moo-Ders

First Cows On The Mooon

